
Story Time For Me

Digital books are all the rage in some homes and classrooms. In our system we are just beginning to step in ereaders and I have to say that I have learned alot about the different brands and what they are capable of for the purpose of instruction. In the process that I used to evaluate different models, I ran across a couple of sites that I thought I would share here on our blog. The first post on this topic will be Story Time for Me. This site is not for downloading books but viewing in a browser. It is designed for early elementary and/or beginning readers. There are several books that are free to read online, such as the picture book Ben Wants to Help. The book opens full screen with controls and sound. It highlights the words as the narrator reads the book and students control the reading. It also allows for teachers or parents to create FREE personalized books with the childs name and information in the story. Yes, I said Free and Personalized! The activity books are online now and the regular personalized books will be posted soon. This is a fairly new site and they are looking for sponsors to help fund the project so it will take time for their collection to grow. For now, point your students to the regular books.....Enjoy!

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