
Improving Comprehension and Writing with Discussion Forums

Mrs. Susan Tolbert, Language Arts teacher at MBMS, recognizes the value of creating a blended learning environment for students and does so in creative ways.  When I read the article Improving Writing with Wiki Discussion Forums, sent to me by Mr. Gordon, I immediately thought of Mrs. Tolbert.  She uses Moodle Forums in a variety of ways to increase student comprehension of literature and to improve their writing skills.

Mrs. Tolbert’s use of Moodle Forums for literature circles and novel studies provides students with the opportunity to participate in cross-class literature discussions.  She likes to differentiate the literature studies by title; therefore, she sets up the Forum prompts so that students may respond even though they may be reading different books.  A novel study prompt may ask “What is the central problem in your book?  How does the government add to the problem or help solve the problem?  What role does freedom of choice play in solving the problem?  Answer in 100-200 words."  For literature circles Mrs. Tolbert facilitates students’ focus on particular literary elements through prompts such as "In a paragraph or so, describe what you have noticed about the author's style.  Please respond to at least two others as well.  Be sure to mention the title of your book in your post."  It is exciting how Mrs. Tolbert uses Moodle Forums to engage her students in discussions about their books while enhancing their writing skills at the same time!


Originally Posted by Dr. Julia Fuller

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